Physiotherapy at Geneva Road

In collaboration with Your Healthcare, Enhanceable is now providing physiotherapy for our clients. We have a fully equipped physiotherapy gym, where our clients can have individual 1:1 physiotherapy.

The client is assessed by the physiotherapist and a treatment plan is made with exercises specific to the individual clients’ needs. Goals are made and the client works towards the goals which are reviewed regularly. 

Physiotherapy can provide our clients with many benefits. Movement of the body is important to maintain muscle strength, joint flexibility, good posture and prevent deterioration. Many of our clients are wheelchair users or have limited mobility. Through physiotherapy the client is given the opportunity to move in ways they wouldn’t normally do. Most of the interventions are done through purposeful activities that are fun and interactive. Often clients do activities they normally wouldn’t and the experience of “I can do this” gives many of the clients a sense of success and feeling proud of themselves. Physiotherapy at Geneva Road has a holistic approach which focuses on the individual’s ability and not the disability.

Our aims are

  • to support our clients to succeed
  • enable each client to be physically challenged to the best of their ability
  • enable clients to experience what it feels like to be able to control their body through interaction of different activities.

Physiotherapy is a positive experience for our clients. We can see how they improve in their physical ability and how they cognitively engage in the activities and express their joy and pride in what they achieve.